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Shed Bot currently has 6 command categories with over 50+ commands total!

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Shed Bot is mostly a fun and economy bot.
Heres all of the commands and what they do.

–// Main
help - Shows all the information about a command/category.
ping - Sends the bot’s latency.
profile - Shows a user’s profile with valueable information like balance, level, etc.
settings - Updates the user settings.
website - Sends a link to the bot’s website (https://shedbot.xyz)

–// Economy
balance - Shows a user’s balance.
beg - Beg for coins.
buy - Purchase a item from the item shop.
coinflip - 50/50 chance of either winning or losing a bid.
daily - Get $10,000 + bonuses daily.
deposit - Deposit cash from your wallet into your bank.
rob - Rob a user for cash.
sell - Sell a item from your inventory.
shop - Shows all the available items from the shop.
use - Use a item from your inventory.
weekly - Get $45,000 + bonuses every week. (PREMIUM)
withdraw - Withdaw cash from your bank account.
yearly - Get $5,000 + bonuses every year.

–// Animals
cat - Sends a cat picture.
dog - Sends a dog picture.
fox - Sends a fox picture.

–// Fun
avatar - Sends the mentioned user’s avatar.
impostor - Sends the sus impostor in chat.
nword - Sends a gif where a poorly drawn joken spins with a caption of “N WORD”.
shoot - Sends a picture of you shooting someone.
slap - Sends a gif of you slapping someone.
snipe - Sends the last deleted message from a channel.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.