Logo for SILENT


Silent - a bot with many commands that make a lot of fun while using

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Silent - a bot with many commands that make a lot of fun while using

Prefix: ! or custom

Many possible

Administration Economy Fun General Images Moderation Music

https://discord.gg/9nU52yRENN for Support

Check out www.silent-bot.ga

Commands: addcommand, addemoji, automod, autorole, backup, configuration, delcommand, deletemod, goodbye, ignore, setlang, setmodlogs, setprefix, setreports, setsuggests, slowmode, welcome

achievements, birthdate, deposit, divorce, leaderboard, marry, money, pay, profile, rep, rob, setbio, slots, withdraw, work

ascii, findwords, flip, fml, joke, lmg, lovecalc, number

calc, hastebin, help, invitations, invite, minecraft, permissions, ping, quote, remindme, report, serverinfo, setafk, shorturl, someone, staff, stats, suggest, translate, userinfo

avatar, captcha, clyde, facepalm, fire, jail, love, mission, phcomment, qrcode, rip, scary, tobecontinued, triggered, tweet, wanted, wasted

announcement, ban, checkinvites, clear-sanctions, clear, giveaway, kick, mute, poll, sanctions, setwarns, unban, unmute, warn

back, filter, filters, lyrics, np, pause, play, queue, resume, skip, stop


Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.