Sinomaru is a simple discord bots for moderation, fun, information, utilities, and music.
Bot Prefix : %
Bot Version : 1.0.0
Bot Feature :
Info Command
- %userinfo : Displays information about a user
- %botstats : Displays bot’s stats
- %serverinfo : Displays information about the server
- %help : Displays all command
- %ping : Display bot latency
- %uptime : Shows how long the bot has been online for
- %corona : Get the stats of corona
Utilities Command
- %afk : Set you to afk
- %avatar : Fetches a user’s avatar
- %botinvite : Invite the bot to yor
Fun Command
- %ascii : Convert text to ascii
- %howgay : Showing howmuch player is gay
- %feed :Feeds someone OwO
- %reversed : Make your text to reversed
Moderation Command
- %ban : Ban a member
- %kick : Kick a member
- %rename : Rename user
- %clear : Clear message
Music Command
- %play : Play a music
- %skip : Skip the currently playing song
- %stop : Stops the song and empty the queue
- %shuffle : Shuffle the queue
- %loop : Toggle music loop
- %queue : Show the song queue and now playing
- %nowplay : Show the current playing song
- %pause : Pause the currently playing song
- %resume : Resume currently playing song
- %volume : Change volume of song
- %remove : Remove song from the queue list
Support Command
- %suggest : Suggests something for this bot
- %bug : Reports a bug