SmartBot - The smart and powerful A.I chat bot…The bot can talk to you when you’re alone or being bored , the bot would be the best companion for you!!
Bot Prefix:– “_” (underscore) , this prefix is not customizeable…!
Help Command:– “_help”
More moderation , music , economy and fun commands coming soon!!
Note - You need to create a text channel named “smartbot-zone” or “chat-with-bot” to let the bot get access to !!
Else the bot won’t respond…!
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Bot Prefix:– “_” (underscore) , this prefix is not customizeable…!
Help Command:– “_help”
More moderation , music , economy and fun commands coming soon!!
Note - You need to create a text channel named “smartbot-zone” or “chat-with-bot” to let the bot get access to !!
Else the bot won’t respond…!
Invite Now!!