Smiley Bot was orginaly created 2 years ago but was just a shell for a while. She can now do most things from kick and ban to help you play Russian Roulette. (Note: We do not take blame for any deaths caused during Russian Roulette). She is constantly getting updates and new commands everyday which you can view the commands using -help1 -help2 and -help3.

Smiley Discord Bot
Invite Smiley Bot to your server and enjoy its fun commands, pranks, and games! Get the full Smiley Bot Discord Bot experience.
0 upvotes in FebruarySmiley Discord Bot Described:
Smiley Bot memes we got them, pranks we got them, games almost got them! (NOW VERIFIED!)
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Smiley Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Smiley to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Smiley Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots

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