Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Smurzy is a new general-purpose discord bot that will help you moderate and more with your server.
The following commands are available right now:
- +ping - Returns the latency of the bot.
- +rank - Sends the users level.
- +botinfo - Sends info about the bot.
- +help - Sends command list for the bot.
- +support - Sends the invite link for Smurzy Offical.
- +uptime - Sends the uptime of the bot.
- +ban - Ban a user.
- +kick - Kick a user.
- +setwelcome - Set welcome messages.
- +setautorole - Sets a role to be given when a user joins the guild.
- +setsuggestions - Set up the suggestion system in your guild.
- +setprefix - Sets the prefix for the guild.
- +purge - Purge an amount of messages in a channel.
- +mute - Mutes a user.
- +unmute - Unmute a user.
- +suggestion - Sends a suggestion if the guild has it set up.