deleted_user_58e12fb1167f Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_58e12fb1167f Discord Bot

Invite Softwaresat Bot to your server and enjoy its powerful moderation and fun commands. Get the full guide to add Softwaresat Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

deleted_user_58e12fb1167f Discord Bot Described:

A good bot that handles moderation and fun with ease.

Sofwaresat Bot, a bot with moderation, utility, and what you all want, fun! This bot focuses more on moderation, with commands such as kicking and banning members, muting them, warning, deleting messages, and much more! An interesting game that we have is a story game combined with currency. Players get stories in which they have to pick the right number in order to advance. You get coins based on the story and how well you dids You can then use these coins to buy weapons to use in your story.


For a full and up to date command list, please use shelp

Check Settings “ssettings”

Change Prefix “ssetprefix <prefix>”

Change AutoKick Threshold “ssetkickthreshold <number>”

Change AutoRole for welcome “ssetautorole <role>”

Allow Direct Messaging “ssetdm <true | false>”

Set Welcome Channel “ssetwelcomechannel <channel without #>”

Set Logging Channel “ssetlogchannel <channel without #>”

Auto Delete for Cursing “ssetautodelete <true | false>”

Auto Respond (fun-ish) “ssetautorespond <true | false>”

Custom Welcome Message “ssetwelcomemessage <message>”

Allow autokick “ssetautokick <true|false>” (Set this if you want autokick to work)

Allows person to join back to a server if kicked from warn “ssetautoinvitation<true | false>” (Do this before using warning system)

Turn Cursing Prevention On/Off “ssetcussing <true | false>”


Warn “swarn <@mention user>”

Kick a User “skick <@mention user>”

Ban a Use "sban <@mention user>

Mute a User “smute <@mention user>”

Unmute a User “sunmute <@mention user>”

Delete Messages “sdelete <number of messages>” (99 at a time not including sdelete message)

Direct Messaging “sdm <@mention user> <message>”


Set Welcome Channel “ssetwelcomechannel <channel without #>”

Custom Welcome Message “ssetwelcomemessage <message>”


Guess Number “sguessnumber”

Get a story “sstory”

Campaign Profile “sstoryprofile”

Campaign Inventory “sinventory”

Campaign Shop “sshop”

Buy item in campaign “sbuy <item id>”

Countings Add a channel called counting, and start counting from 0!


Support Server “sserver”

Upvote “svote” “stopsgg”

Link to our Website “shelpwebsite”

Information About Satvik “swhoissatvik”

Information About ThyMaster555 “swhoisthymaster555”

Information About Aryav(most important) “swhoisaryav”

Website for the bot-
Support Server-
Add the bot to your server-

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_58e12fb1167f Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_58e12fb1167f to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_58e12fb1167f Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: s
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: satvikag#6324