Senbot Discord Bot Logo

Senbot Discord Bot

Full Senbot Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Multipurpose commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in December

Senbot Discord Bot Described:

Sonar is a multi-purpose Discord bot based around simplicity.

Sonar is a multi-purpose Discord bot based around simplicity. Sonar features more than 30 simple yet sophisticated commands that are all easy to access and use. These commands range from moderation to info commands to overall make your server a better one. Along with this, new commands are added almost every day! Here is a list of all the commands:


8ball: Literally just 8ball lol.

Usage: ,8ball {question}

Background: Shows the story behind Sonar.

Usage: ,background

Ban: Bans a member

Usage ,ban@{member}

Unban: Unbans a member that was previously banned.

Usage: ,unban {userID} (Keep in mind that you need the USER ID, not the @.

Mute: Mutes a member.

Usage: Mute @{member}

Unmute: Unmutes a member that was previously muted.

Usage: ,unmute @{member}

Purge: Removes messages in a mass amount.

Usage: ,purge {number(1-100)}

Jail: Jails a member.

Usage: ,jail @{member}

Unjail: Unjails a member that was previously jailed.

Usage: ,unjail @{member}

Kick: Kicks a member from the server.

Usage; ,kick @{member}

Slowmode: Sets the channel slowmode speed.

Usage: ,slowmode {number}

Covid: Displays covid-19 stats for a country or the world.

Usage: ,covid {city name}, {all}

Weather: Shows the weather for a city.

Usage: ,weather {city name}.

Define: Defines a word of your choice with the definition being from Urban Dictionary.

Usage: ,define {word}

Help: Gives you some help.

Usage: ,help

Invite: Sends a message that gives an invite link for you to inv the bot to your own server.

Usage: ,invite

Ping: Shows the latency of the bot.

Usage: ,ping

Poll: Starts a poll.

Usage: ,poll #{channel name} {poll name}

Commandlist: Sends a link to this document.

Usage: ,commandlist

Report: Sends a report of a user to the reports channel.

Usage: ,report @{member} {reason}

Roleinfo: Shows the info of a role.

Usage: ,roleinfo @{role name}

Setup: Sends a message with instructions for how to use the bot to it’s max potential.

Usage; ,setup

Spotify: Shows what song you are listening to on Spotify and a link to the song.

Usage: ,spotify ( Optional: you can also @ a member as well to see what they are listening to.)

Status: Shows what your status says or what game/program you are using.

Usage: ,status ( Optional: you can also @ a member as well for the same effect but for someone else.)

Av: Displays your own or someone else’s avatar.

Usage: ,av (or) ,av @{member}

Number: Shows a random number from 1-100.

Usage: ,number

Reddit: Shows a random image from a subreddit of your choice.

Usage; ,reddit {name of subreddit without “r/”}

Changelog: Shows recent bot changes and the date of those changes.

Usage: ,changelog

Define: Gets the definition of any words from Urban Dictionary.

Usage: ,define {word}

DM: DM’s a user a message of your choice.

Usage: ,dm @{user} {message}

Support Server: Sends an invite link to the Sonar support server.

Usage: ,supportserver

Official Server: Sends an invite link to the official Sonar discord server.

Usage: ,officialserver

Coinflip: Flips a coin (heads or tails)

Usage: ,coinflip

Uptime: Shows the bots uptime.

Usage: ,uptime

This bot was made to be as simple as possible yet effective and Sonar does that!

Here are a few examples of the commands:

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Senbot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Senbot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Senbot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ,
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Sen#4444