SpeckyBot Discord Bot Logo

SpeckyBot Discord Bot

Add SpeckyBot Discord Bot to your server and enjoy its wide range of features and commands. Get the full SpeckyBot Bot guide now!

0 upvotes in February

SpeckyBot Discord Bot Described:

An Open-Source Discord Bot with a lot of features and commands!

SpeckyBot is an open-source Discord Bot with music, games, SFW, NSFW and much more!

What are the main features?

Ever had the wish to chat with more people?
The Global-Chat is an easy way to connect your chat with other people over different servers!
The setup is really easy. Just include [GLOBAL] in any channel that you would like to turn into a Global-Chat!

Message-to-Embed System

Did you ever want to get your message into an embed?
Well, now you can with ease! Just type :EMB: in your message, and it will be converted into and embed!

Any commands to try out?

SpeckyBot has to date, more than 150 commands.

Naming all commands is physically impossible, so here’s a list of commands that I suggest trying out:

  • waifulabs
  • chatbot
  • topic
  • truth
  • dare
  • minesweeper
  • members / moderators / bots
  • invite
What about the Open-Source part of this bot?

SpeckyBot is actively mantained by Specky and other awesome developers!

You can find more about SpeckyBot on GitHub!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add SpeckyBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add SpeckyBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add SpeckyBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: sb!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Specky#6281