deleted_user_e0c42dce7b2e Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user_e0c42dce7b2e Discord Bot

Get Superuser Bot to add to your server, with free emojis, embeds, and masked links commands. Invite Superuser Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

deleted_user_e0c42dce7b2e Discord Bot Described:

Use Nitro emojis for free, build rich embeds, and make masked links; Superuser lets you do things you can't normally do.

Superuser Icon The official Superuser guide

All about Superuser
Superuser is a bot that gives you the power to take advantage of various normally restricted features on Discord - It lets you do things you cant normally do, because it works in a way bots normally dont. Notice how this message was sent by you with a bot tag? Thats because Superuser sends its messages through webhooks - which have a range of advantages over normal messages, including; using ANY emoji from any server on discord, being able to send masked links, using multiple embeds, as well as the ability to match it’s name and avatar to yours! When you send a message with specific content, Superuser will automatically delete it and replace it with a webhook message. In order to utilize webhooks, Superuser asks for a couple specific permissions.

Superuser requires the following permissions in any channel you wish it to operate in:
Read & Send Messages
Manage Webhooks

Use Nitro Emojis
Use any emoji, nitro or not, from any server you share with the bot. You heard that right - its easy as typing the name with colons around it, thats it. If you wanted to use that cool new animated POGSLIDE emote your friend just added, just add Superuser and send :POGSLIDE:. It’s that easy. Seriously, try it. Its satisfying. If the first emoji named :POG: that comes up isnt the one you liked, try the second one with :POG~1:. Search through the list of emojis available to you with the emoji command.
Superuser Demonstration

Essential Commands
su prefix - Create disable and delete custom and default prefixes for ultimate compatibility with existing bots.
su emoji - Search through a list of pre-loaded emojis already available to you, sorted by popularity.
su bag - View the contents of your emoji bag.
su find - Search and browse to acquire more emojis to add to your bag.

Spread the Word
Superuser is a small bot right now. Feel free to add him to any server you want. Got a server filled with custom emojis you cant use? Add Superuser so you can use them again. In a friend’s server that has fancy emojis you cant use? Convince them of what theyre missing out on by not having Superuser in their server.
Add Superuser and Join the support server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user_e0c42dce7b2e Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user_e0c42dce7b2e to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user_e0c42dce7b2e Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: su, @
Servers: 368
Users: unknown
Created by: pasketti#4115