Logo for TargetTickets

Upvote TargetTickets

A simple tickets bot that can help you moderator your server with the premium features forfree!

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? General Commands:
$new → To create a new ticket.
$close → To close the ticket.
$add → To add a user to the ticket.
$remove → To remove a user from the ticket.
? Support Commands:
$rename → To rename the ticket.
$blacklist → To block a user from creating ticket.
$unblacklist → To unblock a user from creating ticket.
? Administration Commands:
$setprefix → To set a custom prefix for the bot in you server.
$setstaffrole → To set a support role for the tickets.
$setcategory → To set a category for the tickets.
$setwelcomemsg → To set a message when the ticket creating.
$toggle-tickets → To enable - disable tickets creating.
$closeall → To close all tickets in the server.
$config → To see the server configuration.
? Misc:
$about → To see the bot stats.
$invite → To get the bot invitation link.
$help → To show the helping list.
? Note
Do you need more help?
if you need more help about a command use:
$help (command)
Do you found a bug?
if you found a bug come to our support server and tell the support section about it!
Thank you for reading the discription -

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