T.B.T.D.A is a bot with lots of useful features like fun, utility, moderation and economy. Some fun command examples are: >gif and >flip and also >rps. Some moderation command examples are: >ban and >kick and also >suspend.
Full list of commandsCOMMANDS:
Utility Commands
clear, >join, >disconnect, >help, >prefix, >setprefix, >test.
Mod/Admin Commands
setup, >kick, >ban, >suspend, >endsuspend, >warn, >log.
Fun Commands
meme, >youtube, >hi, >rps, >flip, >roll6, >roll12, >weather, >easteregg, >8ball, >bye.
Currency Commands
bal, >addcoins, >removecoins, >daily, >work, >weekly, >rich, >shop, >addshopitem, >removeshopitem, >buy, >searchshop, >inv, >useitem, >shophistory, >clearinv, >clearshop.
Music Commands
play, >pause, >resume, >shuffle, >loopsong, >loopoff, >setvolume, >stop, >playing, >clearqueue, >skip, >remove, >loopqueue, >volume.
Image Commands
wanted, >avatar_trash, >avatar_tatoo, >stonks, >spank, >rip_avatar, >not_stonks, >presentation, >hitler_avatar, >avatar_facepalm, >slap, >avatar_ad, >invert_avatar, >make_greyscale, >trigger, >wont_affact_my_baby, >confused_stonks_avatar, >bobross_avatar, >bed_monster, >avatar_frame, >jail.
We’re constantly adding new commands every month!
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