Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
TechBot is a do-it-all bot, that receives weekly updates.
TechBot’s prefix is !!.
For commands list, say !!help.
- !!kick - Kicks mentioned user.
- !!ban - Bans mentioned user.
- !!unban - Unbans mentioned user.
- !!nuke - Deletes 100 previous messages.
- !!purge - Deletes selected amount of messages.
- !!mute - Mutes mentioned user.
- !!unmute - Unmutes mentioned user.
- !!role - Gives mentioned user mentioned role.
- !!poll - Creates a poll.
- !!info - Provides information about the bot.
- !!ping - Shows the bot’s ping and uptime.
- !!support - Sends support server invite.
- !!report - Submit a bug report to our bug reports channel.
- !!amicool - no.
- !!techiscool - 100% yes
- !!meme - Shows you a meme.
- !!koolkids - The “kool kids” list.
- !!slap - Slippity-slap someone!
- !!clown - 🤡
- !!cat - Sends a cute cat picture! :pleading_face:
- !!dog - Sends a cute dog picture! :pleading_face:
- !!8ball - 🎱
- !!emoji - Sends a random emoji.
- !!listbots - dumb bots.
- !!listsimps - made to expose max for simping.
- !!dadjoke - Tells you a dumb dad joke.
- !!simp - Lets you simp on people. ;)
- !!ship - can you feel the loveeeeee
- !!rps - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
- !!kiss - mwah
- !!say - Makes the bot say things .
- !!nick - Sets mentioned user’s nickname.
- !!av/avatar - Shows the mentioned user’s avatar.
- !!whois - Shows information about mentioned user.