My bot is a cool moderation / fun bot he has a lot of commands
Now I want to introduce the team to you first, unfortunately I’m still alone but I’m looking forward to your applications you can apply with the command p! Apply oh and by the way we also have an apply system or the bot we come back to the theme i am the soleife bot owner and bot supporter but i hope not for long you can of course reach me under my discord name Elaes # 0001 or on The Popular bot support server
New theme the commands of the bot has very vile commands so vile that I was too lazy to count them all but I also can’t remember them all so I only write a few here
warn @user [reason] = warn member
warns @user = check mention user warns
clearwarns @user = clear user warns
ban @user = ban member
kick @user = kick member
mute @user [time in min] = mute member
unmute @user = unmute user
joke = send a random joke
meme = send random meme (BUGGY)
cat = random cat pic
dog = random dog pic
help = info and help
help-moderation = moderation commands
help-fun = fun commands
clear = clear chat
setchannelbadwords = set bad wrods in a specific channel
setserverbadwords = set the server bad words
membercount = create channel with the member count
randompassword = generate a random password
randomnumber = create random number
creategiveaway = create a giveaway
avatar @user = send a avatar from the mention user
setapply = set apply questions
apply = you can apply
newticket = create ticket
closeticket = close ticket
newvoiceticket = create voice ticket
closevoiceticket = close voice ticket
setuplevel = set up level rank
rankinfo = send the list on which level you become which rank
rank = see you rank
donate = donate us
So that was actually the description I wish you much fun with the bot and I hope the bot gets many users and is obese