Thonkery Discord Bot Logo

Thonkery Discord Bot

Full Thonkery Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Multipurpose commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Thonkery Discord Bot Described:

A Bot with many different features including Utility, fun, and Moderation!

Thonkery is a multi-purpose bot with a new Developer always open with ideas. You may see a new command everyday with over 75 commands in beta. with Thonkery we strive to make your discord server a better experience. With commands such as 8ball you can ask a random question and we will give you the answer you need. With an all new Welcome system almost ready to be put in place you can welcome members to how you want them to be welcomed and where. With Thonkery we know you will have a better time. Below are just some of the commands we have.

  • 8ball- Ask a random question and get an answer.
  • addrole- add a role to someone.
  • avatar- see someones avatar.
  • ban- swing the ban hammer with your mighty admin powers on someone.
  • botinfo- see information about Thonkery.
  • cat- see a random cat.
  • Chunky- have the bot say Chunky for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
  • cowsay- Make the cow say something!
  • createinvite- create an invite to invite others to a server!
  • credits- See the credits of the Bot.
  • dog- see a random dog.
  • emojify- turn text into emojis.
  • eval- eval some code.
  • fancy- turn normal text into fancy text.
  • fight- fight someone.
  • flip- flip some text upside down.
  • givecandy- give someone yummy candy help- The command to show you these commands.
  • howgay- See how gay someone is!
  • hug- Give someone a nice big hug. invite- invite the bot!
  • invitestats- see the leaderboard of invites.
  • joke- hear a dad joke
  • kick- give someone the big ol’ boot.
  • kill- (not actually) kill someone!
  • kiss- kiss someone. :)
  • lovemeter- see the love between you and someone else in your server.
  • notice- Put someone on notice if they are not working!
  • ping- check the bots ping
  • purge- clear messages
  • rename- renames the bot
  • restart- restart Thonkery
  • say- make the bot say something. (If abused you will be banned from the command)
  • serverinfo- get info on the server you are in.
  • setnick- set someone elses nickname.
  • support- see our support server
  • unban- unbans a user
  • userinfo- Get information about a user
  • warn- Warn a user for misbehaving
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Thonkery Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Thonkery to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Thonkery Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: =
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: trip.#0001