Tickets Commands
Discover the full list of Tickets commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Tickets Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
View Tickets Discord Bot
Here are the Commands for Tickets Bot:
- /setup auto - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /setup prefix prefix - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /setup welcomemessage message - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /setup limit limit - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /setup transcripts channel - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /setup category category - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /setup use-threads use_threads ticket_notification_channel - Allows you to easily configure the bot
- /claim - Assigns a single staff member to a ticket
- /transfer user - Transfers a claimed ticket to another user
- /unclaim - Removes the claim on the current ticket
- /panel - Creates a panel to enable users to open a ticket with 1 click
- /managetags add id content - Adds a new tag
- /managetags delete id - Deletes a tag
- /managetags list - Lists all tags
- /invite - Provides an invite link for the bot
- /vote - Gives you a link to vote for free premium
- /language - Changes the language the bot uses
- /premium - Run this command after purchasing premium to activate it
- /tag id - Sends a message snippet
- /close reason - Closes the current ticket
- /remove user - Removes a user from a ticket
- /about - Tells you information about the bot
- /addadmin user_or_role - Grants a user or role admin privileges
- /closerequest close_delay reason - Sends a message asking the user to confirm the ticket is able to be closed
- /addsupport user_or_role - Adds a user or role as a support representative
- /add user - Adds a user to a ticket
- /rename name - Renames the current ticket
- /reopen ticket_id - Reopens a ticket that was previously closed
- /removeadmin user_or_role - Revokes a user's or role's admin privileges
- /removesupport user_or_role - Revokes a user's or role's support representative privileges
- /on-call - Marks you as on call, to be added and pinged in all new tickets
- /autoclose configure - Edit autoclose related settings
- /autoclose exclude - Excludes the current ticket from being automatically closed
- /stats user user - Shows you statistics about users, support staff and the server
- /stats server - Shows you statistics about the server
- /viewstaff - Lists the staff members and roles
- /jumptotop - Provides you with a button to jump to the top of the ticket
- /blacklist user_or_role - Toggles whether users are allowed to interact with the bot
- /switchpanel panel - Switches a ticket to another ticket panel, changing the channel category, support teams, etc.
- /help - Shows you a list of commands
- /open subject - Opens a new ticket