Tito Bot 2.0 Discord Bot Logo

Tito Bot 2.0 Discord Bot

Full Tito Bot 2.0 Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Tito Bot 2.0 Discord Bot Described:

A funny bot with various functions, economy, levelling system. It has fun , mod and other commands, mainly focused on yugoslavia and politics.
Tito Bot 2.0

What is Tito Bot?

Tito bot is a fun bot with fun, various, level, economy and moderation commands made by tamrol073#6998(tamrol077 on github) on discord. The bot is made with discord.py and hosted with heroku.

State of development

Good part of the bot functionalities have already been developed, but some functionalities still need to be implemented, like img manipulation exc.

If you want to contact the developer to contribute, give ideas exc.

My instagram account

My reddit account

My youtube account

My steam account

My github Account

List of commands

Help command = .help [] = required arguments. () = optional arguments. Default Prefix = . but it can be changed

Fun commands:

kill [user] (reason)
kills an user

Returns info about the bot(owner, support server invite, exc.)

you simply yourself

coinflip [choice]
Simple coinflip

penis [user]
shows the length of the pp of an user.

You drink a shot of vodka, and see if youre a true slav

howchad [user]
How chad a user is?

howdeserterska [user]
Check if an user is deserterska, if he’s a deserterska send him to goli otok

Returns boop

Dance if youre happy for the reunification of yugoslavia

kiss [user]
kiss an user if you love him.

Moderation Commands:

kick [user]
kick an user from the server.

ban [user] (reason)
Ban an user from the server.

unban [user]
Unbans an user from the server

clear [number of messages]
Clears a number of messages, If not specified the number clears just one

changenickname [user] [new nickname]
Changes the nickname of an user.

Various Commands

Invite the bot in your server.

userinfo [user]
Info of a specific user.

Info of the server youre currently in.

Number of members in the server youre currently in.

Get the actual prefix in the server.

changeprefix [new prefix]
Changes the prefix in the server

Returns pong and current latency of bot

Level/Money Commands

To increase your level in a server simply write in text chats.
Get your current level of tito bot.

balance [user]
Get your current balance of tito bot.

Work to get money

give [user] [amount]
Pay an user a specified amount of money


buy [item]
Buy an item from the shop

Github repo

As soon as I’ll push the code to github I’ll link the github repo here.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Tito Bot 2.0 Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Tito Bot 2.0 to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Tito Bot 2.0 Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: .
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: tamrol073#6998