Beta Tester Official </> Discord Bot Logo

Beta Tester Official </> Discord Bot

Full Beta Tester Official </> Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Beta Tester Official </> Discord Bot Described:

This is a simple ticket Discord bot meant to handle tickets for a server with advanced Trivia themed.

/new <message> This creates a new ticket. Add any words after the command if you’d like to send a message when we initially create your ticket. /close Use this to close a ticket. This command only works in ticket channels. /supportrole <role_id> This can be used to give a specific role access to all tickets. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot. /delaccess <role_id> This can be used to remove a specific role’s access to all tickets. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot. /addpingedrole <role_id> This command adds a role to the list of roles that are pinged when a new ticket is created. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot. /delpingedrole <role_id> This command removes a role from the list of roles that are pinged when a new ticket is created. This command can only be run if you have an admin-level role for this bot. /addadminrole <role_id> This command gives all users with a specific role access to the admin-level commands for the bot, such as /addpingedrole and /supportrole. This command can only be run by users who have administrator permissions for the entire server. /deladminrole <role_id> This command removes access for all users with the specified role to the admin-level commands for the bot, such as /addpingedrole and /supportrole. This command can only be run by users who have administrator permissions for the entire server. /invite This commands gives full details to invite the bot to your server :)

CREDITS I thank Mr. ༄ᵀᶠ᭄✿IBN࿐ #6345 for guiding and helping me to develop the first trivia themed ticket bot. For hosting, I thank Heroku hosting. Also heartly thanks to Sir Aryan Nambiar for the concept developmental assistant

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Beta Tester Official </> Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Beta Tester Official </> to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Beta Tester Official </> Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /help
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Ami.Ind#5917