Venus bot is a super cool discord bot that make your discord server better. some Venus features: 24/7 Online, Fast, Easy to use, Trusted, High Quality, Support, and much more features… Some Venus commands: v!help v!play v!ban v!kick v!ticket v!close v!userinfo v!botinfo v!rank v!credits v!daily v!unban v!mute v!say v!meme v!giveaway v!avatar v!covid v!calculate v!warn v!deletewarn v!warnings v!serverinfo v!id v!pay v!joke v!advice v!contact And much more commands… The bot library: discord.js The bot is hosted on: Vps The bot is coded by: regorce#1337 Discord.js version: v12 If you need more infos about the bot, feel free to join Venus support server or Contact us from
Venus Discord Bot
Invite Venus Bot to your server and enjoy its Music, Wallet, Moderation, Economy, Fun and other commands. Get the full guide to add Venus Discord Bot.
0 upvotes in SeptemberVenus Discord Bot Described:
Venus is a easy to use and powerful Discord bot which contains a lot of features you probably need such as music, wallet, moderation, economy, fun and much more!
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Venus Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Venus to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Venus Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
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