Vexera Discord Bot Logo

Vexera Discord Bot

Invite Vexera Bot to your server and enjoy Music commands, Moderation tools and more. Get started with Vexera Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

Vexera Discord Bot Described:

Vexera is a discord music bot for your server with tons of other features.
Vexera FAQ

Vexera is a multipurpose Discord music bot. It provides a range of features listed below.

Type +help for a list of commands. The default prefix is + and is changeable for your server using the prefix command.

  • 99% Uptime
  • Moderation commands - Kick, Ban, Mute, Softban and Voice Kick users with ease using commands.
  • Autorole - Automatically apply roles to users when they join, or when they request with a command.
  • Misc commands - A variety of misc or fun commands including +cat and +dog.
  • Advanced Permissions - Specify who can do what using advanced permissions.
  • Locale support - Set Vexera to respond to you or the whole server in a different language.
Commands that might interest you
  • +help (command) - Shows extended help about a command. If a command isnt specified, it will show all commands.
  • +play (song name or url) - Plays a song in your voice channel.
  • +skip - Voteskips a song. Users with the permission can bypass the voteskip.
  • +queue - Shows the music queue. Use +play to queue a song.
  • +pause - Pause the current playing song.
  • +resume - Resumes the song.
  • +invite - Gets an invite for the bot. You can also use this command to get an invite to our support server and lounge.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Vexera Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Vexera to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Vexera Discord Bot' on this page.

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