Vitrolik Discord Bot Logo

Vitrolik Discord Bot

Full Vitrolik Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in October

Vitrolik Discord Bot Described:

Small.. clean.. elegant.. Vitrolik is the only panda you want on your server! Clearchat commands to a bunch of fun little things!

Welcome to the Vitrolik Bot documentation. Here you’ll find information about each command and what I actually do.

For this bot to work correctly please make sure I have permission to send links and embeds, manage texts and react with emoji’s.

▸▸ ▸ User Cmds ◂ ◂◂

▸ &help [command]

▸ &coinflip

Flips a coin in chat.

▸ &define [1 word]

▸ &define2 [2 words]

▸ &definerandom

Sends an Urban Dictionary definition

▸ &weather [city] [option]

Options = embed, temp, pressure

Returns the Weather for a city , need to fix for cities with more than 1 word name, eg: New York.

Example: &weather Sydney embed

▸ &trump

Sends a random Trump Twitter quote from a list

▸ &serverinfo

Sends a bunch of basic info about the current server/guild. Still in development.

▸ &avatar

Sends a full quality image of the users profile picture. Works with Nitro users .GIF images.

▸▸ ▸ Bot Info ◂ ◂◂

▸ &about

Sends an embed with information about the bot

▸ &invitebot

DM’s you my invite link.

▸ &authoryt

Dm’s you my YouTube channel link <3

▸▸ ▸ Admin Cmds ◂ ◂◂

▸ &clearchat [number of messages]

Sends an embed with information about the bot

▸ &ping

Ping’s the bots current connection.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Vitrolik Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Vitrolik to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Vitrolik Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: &
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Xotaz#0001