Waffreo Discord Bot Logo

Waffreo Discord Bot

Invite Waffreo Bot to your server and enjoy its Economy, Moderation, Utility, Games, Memes, Fun commands! Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

Waffreo Discord Bot Described:

A bot with Economy, moderation, utiliy, games, memes, fun and more! This bot is in it's early days... so do support us!

This bot is in it’s early days… so do support us!

prefix is !w commands would be ran like this: !whelp, !wbeg

Economy commands!:

Works to get money!
Beg to earn money
share @user <amt you wanna share>
This is used to make transactions between players.
Checks user balance, use a mention behind to see another user’s balance.
COMING SOON: dynamite @user
blows up their bank or wallet. Loot to be gained.
View user info use mention behind to select another user
with <amt>
withdraws money
dep <amt/ all>
deposits currency into bank
Daily rewards!
Weekly rewards!
buy <item>
buy items in shop
sell <item>
sell items you have previously bought.
calc <amt> (*,/,+,-) <amt>
a simple calculator * to multiply and / to divide
this is where you get info abt yt promo
Gambling Commmands
roulette <color> <amt> slots <amt>

Basic moderation commands:
ban @user
Bans user from ur server!
kick @user
kicks user from ur server!
mute @user
mutes user in ur server
unmute @user
unmutes user from ur server
purge <amt>
deletes a specified amount of message(s)

Fun commands:
sends a funny tik tok video from youtube
sends a random meme from reddit
songs we recommend from youtube!
sends classic dad jokes

suggest and poll
put it in any part of a sentence and you will get auto react!
Dms you a meme!
basic server info
finds ur ping (latency) measured in milliseconds
spank @user
Sends user an animated emoji of you spanking them… Also, GET A ROOM! IT IS TOO LEWD
beat @user
Sends user an animated gif of you beating them up… Also, NO HARD FEELINGS
:~1:kawaii @user
Shouts kawaii to specified user… pls get a room!
shows people how confused you are!
:~1:baka @user
calls them idiot
exclaims awesome
random fact of waffreo and origins
~1:user @user
shows detailed info of specified user!
sends a cat based media daily
sends meme based media daily
cases <country name>
Shows covid stats of country…
Shows covid total stats…
Covid leaderboard!
contact us/about/link to bot:
link, website, self_intro

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Waffreo Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Waffreo to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Waffreo Discord Bot' on this page.

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