Welcome to Waifugami!
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Collect your waifu/husbandos in this bot, yes there are a few similar bots, but unlike this one.
This bot is completely free to play and has many features that are explained in the .help command.
We listen to our community and improve on what we hear! We actively chat in the main support server for Waifugami, so make sure to come and say hello!
We strive to make this bot the most used anime/manga related bot on discord and can only get there with you.
- there’s daily rewards
- you can claim your waifu/husbando
- every character has a rarity assigned to them and a skill level
- adventures and teams are available to play
- we prefer quality over quantity, so we only add anime/characters that are well known and respected
- fun puzzles in the support server (mostly every sunday, unless there’s a delay)