Weeaboo Detector Discord Bot Logo

Weeaboo Detector Discord Bot

Invite Weeaboo Detector Bot to your server and enjoy its Weeaboo commands! Get rid of all those annoying weeaboos with Weeaboo Detector Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

Weeaboo Detector Discord Bot Described:

Detects weeaboos and gives them what they deserve!
What Weeaboo-Detector does:
  • It detects weeaboos by using a wide range of words that weeabs are often known to say
  • Puts weeaboos to shame by creating a custom rank that automatically gets assigned.
  • Automatically kicks weeaboos from your server when things are getting out of hand.
  • Automatically bans weeaboos that are a severe danger for humanity. Someone has to do the dirty work.
How does it work?

When a member types one of the blacklisted Weeb-Words, it will be added to the watchlist. This watchlist tracks how weeb the member is by saving a Weeb-Level. This Weeb-Level will increment every time a member says one the blacklisted words (see below).

Server Limits

Each server has its own customizable server limits. These limits indicate when a member should get assigned a rank, get kicked or banned. These actions will only fire when a members’ weeb-level has risen above your own defined server limit.


This bot contains a global list of words that weeaboos are know to say. Each one of these words has its own level that indicates how severe a word is. The level assigned to this word will be added the the members’ Weeb-Level when said.

The Weeaboo rank

When a member is starting to show the first stages of being a weeab, it will be assigned a special rank. This is actually just a normal Discord rank that automatically gets assigned. With this rank you punish the foul weeab by taking away its rights, which it already didn’t deserve.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Weeaboo Detector Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Weeaboo Detector to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Weeaboo Detector Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !weeabot
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Meneer Kaktus#8892