**Ben Bot
Announce: New Backup System
Current Verison: 3.3
Welcome message
(configurable in the future)
?set-autorole <role>
?set-memberlog <#channel>
?set-messagelog <#channel>
?set-memberlog <#channel>
?set-welcomechannel <#channel>
Member Log
Message Log
Command Log
Ticket Log
User Commands (7)
?help <Shows help>
?ticket <Creats a Ticket>
?verify <Gives you the (verify) role>
?avatar <Sends the avatar of the marked user>
?dice <Returns a random number>
?timer <Creats a timer. Beispiel (?timer 10m) = 10 min Timer>
?userinfo <Shows information about the marked user>
Moderation Commands (15)
?announcement <[Message]>
?ban <[user] [reason]>
?kick <[user] [reason]>
?warn <[user] [reason]>
?warns <[user]>
?rmwarn <[user]> ([warn])
?clearwarns <[user]>
?poll <[option]>
?addrole <[user] [role]>
?purge <[count]>
?nuke <Nuked the channel>
?close <Closes a ticket / deletes a channel>
?mute <[user] [reason]>
?unmute <[user]>
Giveaway Commands(3)
?giveaway <[channel] [time] [winner] [price]>
?reroll <messageID>
?end <messageID>
?radio <Radio station>
Informations Commands (5)
?bug <Your Bug>
?info <Shows information about the bot>
?serverinfo <Shows information about the server>
?uptime <Shows the online time from the bot>
?spotify <user> Gives information about the Spotify song
Games Commands(4)
?flipcoin <Outputs heads or tails>
?dice <Outputs a random number>
?qr <arg1> <arg2> Creates a QR code
?hastebin <Your Code>
Planned commands / features
ideas need