To Yoink or To Oink, that is the question…
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
- React to the bots messages with the correct command “y!yoink” or “y!oink” and get an item for your work.
- Complete with others in your server for first place, “y!leaderboard”!
- Server owners can assign a role to be given to the person in first place in your server’s leaderboard.
- Ability to set which channels the bot spawns messages in for items.
- View what items you have via y!inventory command. There are over a thousand items you can get, there are 7 rarity tiers.
- Compete with other users on the global leaderboard for prizes, “y!leaderboard global”!
*Bot is in active development and there are planned updates already set to come out! If you have a suggestion please share it! You can be immortalized into the bot!