Yoink Discord Bot Logo

Yoink Discord Bot

Full Yoink Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Yoink Discord Bot Described:

To Yoink or To Oink, that is the question......
To Yoink or To Oink, that is the question…
  • React to the bots messages with the correct command “y!yoink” or “y!oink” and get an item for your work.
  • Complete with others in your server for first place, “y!leaderboard”!
  • Server owners can assign a role to be given to the person in first place in your server’s leaderboard.
  • Ability to set which channels the bot spawns messages in for items.
  • View what items you have via y!inventory command. There are over a thousand items you can get, there are 7 rarity tiers.
  • Compete with other users on the global leaderboard for prizes, “y!leaderboard global”!
Recommended to do the “y!help” command to make sure the bot can see the channel then do the “y!config enable <#channel>” command twice. You should see successful message from the bot when done. The bot will then work correctly and normally. The reason you have to do it twice it to confirm the bot has the server in the database.

*Bot is in active development and there are planned updates already set to come out! If you have a suggestion please share it! You can be immortalized into the bot!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Yoink Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Yoink to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Yoink Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: y!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: flamelier#0