ZapSquared Discord Bot Logo

ZapSquared Discord Bot

Invite ZapSquared Bot to your server and enjoy its Music commands, Economy, and Auto-moderation features. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

ZapSquared Discord Bot Described:

ZapSquared features an economy, music commands (including bass boost, volume controls, and others), basic auto-moderation, all for free.


All-in-one bot featuring an economy, music commands, basic auto-moderation, manual moderation, all for free.

ZapSquared has an economy built-in, allowing you to be the very best and flex on your friends. There are also RPG elements, such as your own inventory, and more to come.

ZapSquared provides music, lyrics, and also additional features such as bass boost and volume controls entirely for free.

Still a work-in-progress, but ZapSquared will have the ability to ban all the bad boys without the need of manual intervention.

Manual moderation:
Need to ban a large number of people for raids? ZapSquared’s intelligent moderation commands know who you’re trying to ban or kick, and can automatically pull the reason from your message.

ZapSquared almost never goes offline, and thus it is always watching over you. Rest at ease.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add ZapSquared Discord Bot to my server?

You can add ZapSquared to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add ZapSquared Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: z/
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: zapteryx#1337