ZBot, a word/phrase/emoji tracker, reddit searcher, and an all-around fun bot. All ZBot commands and usages can be found in zhelp.
Some ZBot Commands:
-zsetup: Sets up the bot for the first time for counting/tracking
-zadd: Adds a word/phrase to keep track of
-zremove: Removes an existing word/phrase being tracked
-zlist: Returns all added words/phrases
-zstats (@) (Word): Returns stats for word(s)/phrase(s)
-zfry (Image Attachment/Image Url): Deep fries the image
-zreddit (Subreddit Name): Returns a RANDOM post from the top 100 posts in hot from any subreddit
-ztwitter (User @): Returns the user profile and their 20 most recent tweets
-zanime (Anime Name): Searches for anime and returns all the info about chosen one
-zgiphy (Phrase/Word to search for): Returns a RANDOM gif from top 50 results on giphy
NOTE: ZBot is still in development