ZeroTsu Discord Bot Logo

ZeroTsu Discord Bot

Add ZeroTsu Bot to your Discord server and get access to Anime Notifications, Reaction Roles, Reddit Feed and Raffles commands. Invite ZeroTsu Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in October

ZeroTsu Discord Bot Described:

Anime Notifications (SUBBED); Reaction Roles; Reddit Feed; Raffles;
Used in the official MyAnimeList Discord server
  • New Anime Episodes feed SUBBED (DM notifications optional). Source:

  • Daily Anime Schedule. Source:

  • Customizable Reddit RSS Feed autopost system that will post a specific reddit thread based on its settings. Can be set for a specific author, subreddit, post type (rising, hot, new) and title. Can auto pin/unpin that message.

  • Give or take roles using reactions.

  • Automatically give roles to a user when they join a voice channel, and remove them when they leave it. Fully customizable with multiple roles per voice channel and vice versa.

  • BOT say/edit commands that any mod can use to send or edit important messages with the BOT (e.g. so the entire mod team can edit a message), or pretend they’re a ROBOT.

  • RemindMe feature where it either messages you or pings you with a message you’ve set after a period of time you’ve told it.

  • Raffles with which you can do giveaways. It selects a random user that has joined the raffle (either through command or react) as the winner!

Use /help to see all of its features. Use /h-settings to set up server settings. Make sure you’re an admin!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add ZeroTsu Discord Bot to my server?

You can add ZeroTsu to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add ZeroTsu Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: / or . or Customizable
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Apiks#8969