Currently supported features:
Profile Customization
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Voting will reward you with 5000 credits and a random card for the cardgame.
Currently supported features:
- listroles
- iam
- iamnot
Profile Customization
- You can also customize your language!
- Custom Profile backgrounds
- Prefix Customization per User, so you can decide which prefix you want to use
- ZeroTwo has a very unique cardgame, check it out: zt!card
- Play Music by a link or just type the name of the video you want to play
- The bot will automatically resolve the youtube link
- Many Roleplay-Commands as hug, cuddle, kiss, etc.
- Type zt!gif [Topic] to resolve a giphy to this topic
For further information or feature requests, join my Support-Discord.