Discord Music Bots & Apps

Find the best Discord Music Bots for your Discord Server, including FlaviBot to LunaBot 🌙 and more!

HamBot Discord Bot Banner
HamBot Discord Bot Logo

Hambot semble être un bot polyvalent avec des fonctionnalités de modération et de lecture de musique. Les commandes préfixées par + et !.
PERZO Discord Bot Banner
PERZO Discord Bot Logo

Invite PERZO bot for Kerala's Third Verified Music bot commands. Enjoy advanced music quality with this Discord bot.
Eris Discord Bot Banner
Eris Discord Bot Logo

Eris is a ready-to-use bot, she can do a lot of things, she can moderate, she can sing, and she can do a lot of extra things.
Astoria Discord Bot Banner
Astoria Discord Bot Logo

A High Quality Music Bot Ever Introducing Astoria ❤
haunt Discord Bot Banner
haunt Discord Bot Logo

haunt is a moderation bot meant to keep your server safe
ModX Discord Bot Banner
ModX Discord Bot Logo

A music Bot With The best audio quality
NSN Discord Bot Banner
NSN Discord Bot Logo

I recommend use this Bot Is Cool with a Lot Of commands There No /help commands But Have fun those day in 2024 I will Add ChatGPT system to the Bot go INVITE the Bot
Darkwill Music Discord Bot Banner
Darkwill Music Discord Bot Logo

Darkwill Music is an Advanced and Easy-to-Use Music Bot. !play - /play - !help - /help
Dahyun Discord Bot Banner
Dahyun Discord Bot Logo

Hello! I am Dahyunnie! I am a Music Bot who gives you free kpop music! You can download it with Google Drive or watch it via youtube!
Potato Discord Bot Banner
Potato Discord Bot Logo

Potato is a discord.py written discord bot, that has been developing over the years.
Mediocre Discord Bot Banner
Mediocre Discord Bot Logo

Multi-functional Discord bot with a wide variety of features to assist with the safety and fun with in your server!
Dj Boca D'Aço 🎺 Discord Bot Banner
Dj Boca D'Aço 🎺 Discord Bot Logo

Discord Music Bot that play music from Spotify and YouTube
guilherme.gg Discord Bot Banner
guilherme.gg Discord Bot Logo

Bot de moderação e musica feito por brasileiros
Setaur Discord Bot Banner
Setaur Discord Bot Logo

High quality Setaur bot that plays 24/7, for FREE!

Find the best Discord Music Bot

Find the best discord music bot effortlessly with our handy website. Whether you're looking for just a music bot or one that does it all, finding one couldn't be easier! By using our inbuilt filters, you'll be able to find your ideal music bot in just a few clicks.

Why you need a Discord Music Bot

If you're a regular user of YouTube, you probably know that it's a great place to discover new music and listen. Discord Music Bots allow you to play and replay songs from YouTube or other sites directly on your voice channels for as long as you'd like.

Forget sending long URLs to friends! With an excellent discord music bot, you'll be able to listen to music in real-time with other users, play songs straight from streaming platforms, and add moderation to your server.

What are Discord Music Bots?

A discord music bot is a program that plays audio from a specific website at the user's request. Even though they all do the same primary function (play music), some bots offer more features than others.

For example, you can find discord music bots designed for servers that want to be as automated as possible. These come equipped with several different features such as trivia, polls, moderation, and even mini-games, amongst other things.

Most of the bots featured here for regular music playback fulfill all sorts of different functions, and some of these can replace your main server bot.