Valorant Discord Servers

Find the best Valorant Discord Servers, or add your own! Browse through the most popular servers on Discord, and find the right server for you!

VALORANT Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Discord Server Logo

Gaming  LFG 
294,306 Online 1,284,567 Members
The official VALORANT Discord server, in collaboration with Riot Games. Find the latest news and talk about the game!
VALORANT LFG Discord Server Banner
VALORANT LFG Discord Server Logo

185,795 Online 876,521 Members
The VALORANT Looking for Group Discord server!
Valorant Curios Discord Server Banner
Valorant Curios Discord Server Logo

15,603 Online 72,158 Members
All about VALORANT! - Directly connected with our Valorant Curios channel we create fun & interactive games together :)
VALORANT Turkiye Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Turkiye Discord Server Logo

19,177 Online 335,150 Members
VALORANT Türkiye resmi Discord sunucusuna hoş geldin! Oyundan haberleri takip et ve yeni oyuncularla tanış.
VALORANT СНГ Discord Server Banner
VALORANT СНГ Discord Server Logo

20,830 Online 201,277 Members
Официальный русскоязычный сервер онлайн-шутера VALORANT. Присоединяйтесь!
VALORANT Vietnam Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Vietnam Discord Server Logo

38,757 Online 183,404 Members
Discord chính thức của VALORANT tại Việt Nam, luôn luôn mang đến nhiều event, sự kiện hấp dẫn tại Discord.
VALORANT ASCENT - Competitive Discord Discord Server Banner
VALORANT ASCENT - Competitive Discord Discord Server Logo

8,821 Online 74,409 Members
Competitive VALORANT Server - Discuss VALORANT, find scrims, teams or groups (LFG) to play with.
Valorant Rekabetci Discord Server Banner
Valorant Rekabetci Discord Server Logo

621 Online 25,756 Members
Valorant Türkiye Sunucusu oyuncular tarafından seçilmiş ve Türkiye'nin En büyük Valorant Discord Topluluğu olmuştur. GG
Valorant India Discord Server Banner
Valorant India Discord Server Logo

1,613 Online 20,986 Members
Welcome to Valorant India Discord Server! We host regular tournaments for Valorant using an automated system by ustreak.
Valorant PH Discord Server Banner
Valorant PH Discord Server Logo

10,431 Online 96,363 Members
Valorant PH is a Filipino community with a goal of uniting the local grassroots communities, from casuals to aspiring pr
VALORANT Polska Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Polska Discord Server Logo

40,148 Online 93,312 Members
Największy i najlepszy w Polsce nieoficjalny serwer Discord dla gry Valorant od Riot Games.
VALORANT ESP Discord Server Banner
VALORANT ESP Discord Server Logo

13,931 Online 78,541 Members
La comunidad más grande de VALORANT ESP en Español. Torneos, Sorteos, y mucho más.
VALORANT EGYPT Discord Server Banner
VALORANT EGYPT Discord Server Logo

8,720 Online 80,456 Members
VALORANT Taiwan Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Taiwan Discord Server Logo

35,805 Online 109,411 Members
VALORANT Taiwan《特戰英豪 台灣》現已成為亞太地區最完善的玩家社群,這得益於我們一直秉持的多元和創新的價值觀,打造強力隊伍陣容,在舉世無雙的FPS擊敗對手,創新就是你的最強武器。
VALORANT Indonesia Community Discord Server Banner
VALORANT Indonesia Community Discord Server Logo

15,910 Online 139,409 Members
VIC | One of the most active VALORANT Community in Indonesia

Find Valorant Discord Servers on is a great resource for finding valorant themed Discord Servers. You can browse through the available servers and look for one that is best suited for your needs. You can filter the results by server size and server type. You can also view the server's description, which can provide you with more information about the server. Once you find a server that you are interested in joining, you can use the provided link to join the server. Once you join the server, you will be able to communicate and interact with other members of the server. You can also use the server's various features to make your experience more enjoyable. So, if you are looking for Valorant Discord servers, be sure to check out!