A RL trade server, this is a new server, don’t be rude.
There is a lot of features that they’re not in others servers, so come ;D
Need some admins, helpers, etc…
DM the founder if you want to be one of theses.
Cosmo'Training & Trade RL 🌌 Discord Server
0Full Cosmo'Training & Trade RL 🌌 Server information, with invite link to join, along with Gaming channels and any related servers.
- 0 upvotes in January
- 8 Online
- 20 Members
The Cosmo'Training & Trade RL 🌌 Discord server has
8 online members
Cosmo'Training & Trade RL 🌌 is a Gaming Discord Server.
Cosmo'Training & Trade RL 🌌 Discord Server Described
: A RL Trade server, follow the rules, have fun ;)Similar Discord Servers
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