Mai's Lounge Discord Server Logo

Mai's Lounge Discord Server

Full Mai's Lounge Server information, with invite link to join, along with Economy channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in December
  • 20 Online
  • 282 Members
The Mai's Lounge Discord server has 20 online members and 0 upvotes. Mai's Lounge is a Economy Discord Server.

Mai's Lounge Discord Server Described

: A dedicated server for Mai's Development - Share Ideas, Report Bugs, Contribute to Development!

This is Mai Development Server , where you can ask support for my bot Mai, test it, or ask to add more features.

Mai is a Free Premium bot and always will be - there is no such thing as premium access for Mai, all of her features are free from the start. However, do not confuse Mai’s code and using it as a command framework for discord.js. If you want to replicate Mai’s features and commands for your own bot, you may use your forked version, but if you want to create an entirely different bot with much wider range of features and commands, you can use instead the vanilla version of the dapi wrapper discord.js or the official command framework supported by the library developers themselves: Commando or Akairo.

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