This is a Community where people with interest in Anime, Manga, Gaming and even writing, can meet new people with similar interests, Discuss and also share there own ideas on anime/manga such as original stories.
Neon Studio is also currently working on a manga project and will send updates on their progress.
Entertainment such as games, trivia, memes are also provided to make our server FUN and interactive.
Neon Studio Discord Server
0Full Neon Studio Server information, with invite link to join, along with Anime channels and any related servers.
- 0 upvotes in January
- 11 Online
- 75 Members
The Neon Studio Discord server has
11 online members
Neon Studio is a Anime Discord Server.
Neon Studio | アニメとゲーム Discord Server Described
: A community for creative anime minds, Fun and GamesSimilar Discord Servers
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Galaxia Studios is a global leader in web3 and blockchain game development and the home of fully on-chain gaming. 🎮⛓