P.H.A is a brand new Non-Canon My Hero Academy Roleplay Server with a lovely community and lots of potential. We host Class and Fight Events, Spin the Wheel with InGame prizes and give the players as much freedom as possible while still keeping a game friendly balance. Every Player has the right to get a story arc and Quirks can be freely chosen or randomly made up by the Staff. Join today!
P.H.A Discord Server
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- 0 upvotes in January
- 6 Online
- 24 Members
The P.H.A Discord server has
6 online members
P.H.A is a Anime Discord Server.
P.H.A Discord Server Described
: A brand new Non-Canon My Hero Academy roleplay server.Similar Discord Servers
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Pilgrammed is an open-world RPG game. You can craft guns and armor.