Welcome to The Gaming Hangout!
In this server you can just chill around, talk with others, or discuss about games!
What you can expect in this server:
- 📣 Server Competitions/Events with Amazing Perks for Winners and Top 3!
- 💸 Amazing Giveaways! (Prizes may include: Gift cards, Dank Memer coins, and more!)
-✨ Server Partnerships (at least 10 human members), we are also doing rep4rep - 📋 Advertise your own server and other stuff!
- 🎮 Gaming community to chat and play with
- 👍 Self assignable roles to get access to gaming sections and pings!
- 😀 Reasonable and Chill Admin Team
- 💀 Non-toxic members
- 🤖 Fun bots to play with and use (such as Dank Memer, Rythm, Pokecord, Akinator, Discord Dungeons and more!)
- 🏅 Great perks for leveling up!
- ❓ Much more!
Now that you know what will be in the server and what we will expect, why don’t you join?