UPWorlds  🌍✨ Discord Server Logo

UPWorlds 🌍✨ Discord Server

Full UPWorlds 🌍✨ Server information, with invite link to join, along with Community channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in October
  • 34 Online
  • 283 Members
The UPWorlds 🌍✨ Discord server has 34 online members and 0 upvotes. UPWorlds 🌍✨ is a Community Discord Server.

UPWorlds 🌍✨ Discord Server Described

: Calling all VArchitects, Industrial Designers, World Builders, New-bielders, 3D Designer turn builders & and other metaverse builders are welcome to join us here πŸš€πŸš€

Rent your VR worlds and get paid for building custom worlds on Social VR Platforms! We have an amazing helpful community of builders with tips and support for you to achieve your world building ambitions and get paid for it!

Server Features :
Resources (free) , Events, World Design Showcase & Critique, Friendly community , Partners & special #πŸŽ‰perks, and Design Office Hours by Metaxu Studio

If you’re looking to rent a VR world or get a custom one built, come drop us a message! We can assure you trustworthy and passionate builders and amazing worlds.

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