VRDominate Community Discord Server Logo

VRDominate Community Discord Server

Full VRDominate Community Server information, with invite link to join, along with Gaming channels and any related servers.
  • 0 upvotes in January
  • 56 Online
  • 241 Members
The VRDominate Community Discord server has 56 online members and 0 upvotes. VRDominate Community is a Gaming Discord Server.

VRDominate Community Discord Server Described

: VRDominate is being built around the thing that makes VR so wonderful. You! Our passion as a group is what is wonderful!

VRDominate was built on the belief that VR gamers are the best! That belief is because we are not afraid to tell the big companies… I don’t like that… or your not doing it the way I want it, so I’ll just make it myself. This is the passion that makes VR so wonderful and is the driving force for VRDominate.

VRDominate is a multi-platform community utilizing Youtube, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, and of course our Website.

The VRDominate community has 4 basic groups. The members, VR Influencers, VR Product Designers, and VR Developers. We refer to them as our Verified Members. To become a member these companies and brands must show a passion for VR, and provide a quality product that we would recommend. We allow anyone to apply from beginner youtubers to the ones with a million subscribers, from the couple person Product Developers, to large scale corporations, from indie devs to AAA developers (when they eventually show up to the party, lol) All we require is quality, passion, and a vision to make VR better!

We hope that you guys join our community, and come to trust us as a symbol of a quality brand or company. We vet every Verified Member through and application and interview process. We make sure that they back their claims with more than just words. We want you to KNOW that anyone that is a Verified Member of VRD will provide you with quality products, content, or gameplay!

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