Clear all tracks from the queue.
/fav clear
Clear all your favorite songs.
/fav list
List all your favorite songs.
/fav play
Play all your favorite songs.
/fav remove
Remove a song from your favorites.
Jump to a specific timestamp in the playback.
Pause the music player.
Queue a track or playlist from a search term or url.
Play the previous track.
Get the music queue list.
Stream radio stations.
Remove a track from the queue.
Set music player repeat mode.
Resume the music player.
Shuffle the queue.
Skip the current track.
Stop playback and leave the voice channel.
Change the player volume.
Activate premium features.
Toggle music autoplay mode.
Toggle 24/7 mode.
/fav shuffle
Shuffle your favorite songs.
Replies with websocket ping.
List all available commands.
YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, Deezer, Apple Music, Dailymotion, Twitch, Vimeo, Bandcamp, Twitch, Reddit, Clypit, OC Remix, Mixcloud, HTTP, Radio & many more!
Keywords: youtube music, spotify music, soundcloud music, music youtube, music spotify, music soundcloud, music bot