Emilia Discord Bot Logo

Emilia Discord Bot

Invite Emilia Bot to your server and enjoy Music and Fun commands. Get the full Emilia Discord Bot experience now!

0 upvotes in February

Emilia Discord Bot Described:

A simple bot with music commands, and more fun commands!

List of Emilia’s commands:

[Music commands]

-leave: Leaves voice channel if in one.

-loop: Loop the current playing song.

-lyrics: Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song.

-music-trivia: Play a music quiz with your friends!

-nowplaying: Display the currently playing song.

-pause: Pause the current playing song.

-play: Play any song or playlist from youtube.

-queue: Display the song queue.

-remove: Remove a specific song from queue.

-resume: Resume the current paused song.

-shuffle: Shuffle the song queue.

-skip: Skip the current playing song.

-skipall: Skip all songs in queue.

-skipto: Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument.

-stop-trivia: End the music trivia.

-volume: Adjust song volume.

[Gifs commands]

-animegif: Provide a name of an anime show or character and I will send a gif!

-gif: Provide a query and I will send a gif!

[Guild commands]

-ban: Bans a tagged member.

-kick: Kicks a tagged member.

-prefix: Change prefix.

-prune: Delete up to 99 recent messages.

[Fun commands]

-ascii-faces: Get a ton of super cute copy-and-paste Ascii Faces (◕‿◕)

-pixabay: Search Pixabay for public domain, stunning images.

-xkcd: Get a randomized XKCD comic or today’s comic by appending today onto your command.

[Message formatting commands]

-1337: Translate a message to 1337.

-adv1337: Translate a message to advanced 1337.

-binary: Translate a message to binary.

-letter-em: Convert all the letters in a message to emoji letters.

-random-case: Randomize every letter in a sentence’s case, so iT tUrnS oUt lIke ThIS.

-reverse: Reverse your message. If you received a reversed message, you can apply this command to that message to un-reverse it.

[Search commands]

-qr: Generate a QR code to share links/text easily. Any text after the qr command will be encoded in the QR code.

-acronym: Get the meaning of an acronym or abbreviation.

-bitcoin: Retrieve today’s bitcoin rates.

-emoji: Search for emojis related to a certain search term. Get happy emojis, cute emojis, hearts, etc.

-old-define: Get an old-style definition of a word like it’s 1857 1657.

-synonyms: Get all the synonyms for a word.

[Space commands]

-astronauts: Find out how many astronauts are aboard the International Space Station.

-earth: Get image of Earth.

-iss: Get the location of the International Space Station. Updates every second.

-neo: Find out how many Near-Earth objects are near Earth right now.


-cat: Replies with a cute cat picture.

-chucknorris: Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris!

-creator: Get info. on who coded Emilia.

-fortune: Replies with a fortune cookie tip.

-insult: Generate an evil insult!

-invite: Get Emilia’s invite link, so that she can be invited to other servers.

-motivation: Get a random motivation quote.

-random: Generate a random number between two provided numbers.

-reddit: Replies with 10 top daily posts in wanted subreddit, you can specify sorting and time.

-say: Make me say something weird.

-server: Get server stats, such as member count, when the server was created, and more…

-uptime: Check for how long i’m being online.

-world-news: Let me show you 2 latest news from world.

-ynet-news: Let me show you 5 news from Israel.


-help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.

-ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.

Im still trying to make more features!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Emilia Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Emilia to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Emilia Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: e!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Elka#3057
