List of Emilia’s commands:
[Music commands]
-leave: Leaves voice channel if in one.
-loop: Loop the current playing song.
-lyrics: Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song.
-music-trivia: Play a music quiz with your friends!
-nowplaying: Display the currently playing song.
-pause: Pause the current playing song.
-play: Play any song or playlist from youtube.
-queue: Display the song queue.
-remove: Remove a specific song from queue.
-resume: Resume the current paused song.
-shuffle: Shuffle the song queue.
-skip: Skip the current playing song.
-skipall: Skip all songs in queue.
-skipto: Skip to a specific song in the queue, provide the song number as an argument.
-stop-trivia: End the music trivia.
-volume: Adjust song volume.
[Gifs commands]
-animegif: Provide a name of an anime show or character and I will send a gif!
-gif: Provide a query and I will send a gif!
[Guild commands]
-ban: Bans a tagged member.
-kick: Kicks a tagged member.
-prefix: Change prefix.
-prune: Delete up to 99 recent messages.
[Fun commands]
-ascii-faces: Get a ton of super cute copy-and-paste Ascii Faces (◕‿◕)
-pixabay: Search Pixabay for public domain, stunning images.
-xkcd: Get a randomized XKCD comic or today’s comic by appending today onto your command.
[Message formatting commands]
-1337: Translate a message to 1337.
-adv1337: Translate a message to advanced 1337.
-binary: Translate a message to binary.
-letter-em: Convert all the letters in a message to emoji letters.
-random-case: Randomize every letter in a sentence’s case, so iT tUrnS oUt lIke ThIS.
-reverse: Reverse your message. If you received a reversed message, you can apply this command to that message to un-reverse it.
[Search commands]
-qr: Generate a QR code to share links/text easily. Any text after the qr command will be encoded in the QR code.
-acronym: Get the meaning of an acronym or abbreviation.
-bitcoin: Retrieve today’s bitcoin rates.
-emoji: Search for emojis related to a certain search term. Get happy emojis, cute emojis, hearts, etc.
-old-define: Get an old-style definition of a word like it’s 1857 1657.
-synonyms: Get all the synonyms for a word.
[Space commands]
-astronauts: Find out how many astronauts are aboard the International Space Station.
-earth: Get image of Earth.
-iss: Get the location of the International Space Station. Updates every second.
-neo: Find out how many Near-Earth objects are near Earth right now.
-cat: Replies with a cute cat picture.
-chucknorris: Get a satirical fact about Chuck Norris!
-creator: Get info. on who coded Emilia.
-fortune: Replies with a fortune cookie tip.
-insult: Generate an evil insult!
-invite: Get Emilia’s invite link, so that she can be invited to other servers.
-motivation: Get a random motivation quote.
-random: Generate a random number between two provided numbers.
-reddit: Replies with 10 top daily posts in wanted subreddit, you can specify sorting and time.
-say: Make me say something weird.
-server: Get server stats, such as member count, when the server was created, and more…
-uptime: Check for how long i’m being online.
-world-news: Let me show you 2 latest news from world.
-ynet-news: Let me show you 5 news from Israel.
-help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
-ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.
Im still trying to make more features!