•GameStation Bot is a multi-purpose bot ready to skill up and boost up your Discord server Also features reaction roles, administration,games and much more!
You Can Access The Bot Commands By Typing &help
The Bot Includes : *Games stats ex. Fortnite , apex , overwatch.
And You Can Discover Steam Store , Games And Get your Account Stats In Steam. The Bot Have Moderation Commands That Let You Moderate Your Server , The Bot Contains Fun,Games,Music,moderation,GiveAway Commands
•Games Commands
You Can play many games with your freind
And Search steam games information, user also fortnite,apex,overwatch
•Fun Commands
Enjoy Your time with fun commands
•Moderation Commands
There Is Many commands that let you moderate Your server
ex.ban ,warn,addemoji,role,lock,unlock And set prefix
Enjoy Time moderating your server !
1- if you changed the prefix the help and inv command will stay as & prefix
And Much Commands Waiting For you.