GGRadio Discord Bot Logo

GGRadio Discord Bot

Invite GGRadio Bot to your server and enjoy listening to music with your friends with one-command setup. Discover the GGRadio Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

GGRadio Discord Bot Described:

Listen to the GGRadio stream with members of your server simultaneously, with one-command setup.

Listen to GGRadio’s stream with members of your server simultaneously.

Hosted on our servers with no costs or limitations to the user, and we are online 24/7 meaning you’re never without music.

!ggradio set [channel id] Allows server admins to set the radio channel for the server, can be used without channel id if you’re connected to a voice channel.

!ggradio unset Allows server admins to disconnect the bot from its channel until set again.

!ggradio live Prints the current song, artwork & presenter in chat.

!ggradio help Sends a list of commands in the server, as well as links to get help.

!ggradio ping Send a quick ping-pong between the bot and see response times.

Service updates are sent via our Twitter @GGNet

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add GGRadio Discord Bot to my server?

You can add GGRadio to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add GGRadio Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !ggradio
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Chris Verringer#4395