HLTV Discord Bot Logo

HLTV Discord Bot

Invite HLTV bot to your Discord server and get access to news and match result commands. Enjoy the HLTV Discord Bot today!

0 upvotes in December

HLTV Discord Bot Described:

A HLTV news and match result Discord bot
A bot that interacts with HLTV to inform you about the latest news and matches!

This bot automatically send messages for the latest results, news and started/ended events. For more information see here.
We also provide commands which scalps through HLTV and can provide you with information about players, teams and much more! For more details see here.

Setup (only admins can use these commands)
Command Parameters Description
!init [#channel] (optional) Sets the current or specified channel as the default channel for news and results.
!minstars [number between <br /> 0 and 5] If a completed match has less than the specified stars, then it won’t send a message on your server. <br /> The number of stars depends on the ranking of both teams and which event at which stage the match is. <br /> We are not resposible for the amount of stars a match recieves.
!featuredevents [true or false] If set true, the bot will only send a message if a featured event just stared/ended.
!prefix [default: !] Changes the prefix to a specified value.
Command Parameters Description
!help Like any other help command, this will send you a similar help like this.
!ranking [country] (optional) Informs you about the global ranking or in a specified country
!player [playername] Gives you selected information about a player. <br /> The player will be cached for seven days for performance reasons. <br /> The bot may be slow to respond to this command.
!upcoming [date] (optional) or [team] (optional) Lists the next scheduled matches of a specified team or on a selected date.
!upcomingevents Responds with all currently scheduled upcoming events in the next 30 days.
!live This command will give you a list of ongoing matches with links to all livestreams and the HLTV page of that match.
!event [name] Informs about a specified event (WIP).
!events Shows you all ongoing events with links to their HLTV page.
!about Thats us! Try it yourself.
About us

We are a team of three developers who have been working on this bot during the last thee months.
If you have any questions issues about this bot, message us on discord (Revilum#9569 or Marcoooo
#0492) or write us an issue on Github. If you want to support us, you can leave a vote for us and send us a donation on patreon.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add HLTV Discord Bot to my server?

You can add HLTV to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add HLTV Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Marcoooo#0492
