Indeedstor Discord Bot Logo

Indeedstor Discord Bot

Invite Indeedstor Bot to your Discord server and get access to Destiny 2 reset and leaderboard commands. LFG functionality and more! Discord bot.

0 upvotes in December

Indeedstor Discord Bot Described:

Discord bot for Destiny 2 reset updates and clan leaderboards with LFG functionality

The bot supports slash commands. Use /help command to get current command list.

Here’s the list of available commands

    online       Get the list of online clan members.
    top          Print top players for one of the available metrics.
    support      Get the link to the support server
    update       Get updates from Bungie for the selected types
    help         Print this message
    lfglist      Print your LFG list
    lfgcleanup   Delete expired LFG posts
    regnotifier  Register notifier channel
    rmnotifier   Deregister notifier channel
    setlang      Set server language
    setclan      Set Destiny 2 clan for the server.
    autopost     Autopost channel settings
    lfg          Create an LFG message
    editlfg      Edit LFG message


  • Gets updates from Bungie’s API, such as weekly/daily reset info, Spider materials costs, Xur’s location and inventory (requires setting up a notifier channel)
  • Organizes LFGs
  • Makes clan leaderboards for every emblem metric available in Destiny 2 (requires setting up clan for server)
  • Supports multiple languages (same as Destiny 2, but some lines might be untranslated).

You can help with the translations by going to the Crowdin.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Indeedstor Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Indeedstor to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Indeedstor Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: happyvodka#0