Members+ Discord Bot Logo

Members+ Discord Bot


InvitePlus Bot - Add to your server and manage members with invite commands. Get the InvitePlus Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in April

Members+ Discord Bot Described:

InvitePlus allows you to manage the members of your server by looking at their invites. For support and feature requests join our discord server:

IMPORTANT: Due to the way discord handles invites, it is not possible to find out who invited people that are already in your server. It only works for people who join AFTER you add the InvitePlus to your server.

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This is a list of commands you can use. You can get more info about a specific command by using !help <command> (e.g. !help add-rank)

Arguments are listed after the command. Parentheses () indicate an optional argument. (e.g. (reason) means the reason is optional)

!add-invites @user amount (reason)   Adds/Removes invites to/from a member
!clear-invites (@user) (clearBonus)  Clear invites of the server/a user
!invite-codes                        Get a list of all your invite codes
!invites (@user)                     Show personal invites
!restore-invites (@user)             Restore all previously cleared invites
!leaderboard (page)                  Show the people with the most invites
!add-rank @role invites (info)  Add a new rank
!show-ranks                     Show all ranks
!remove-rank @role              Remove a rank
!config (key) (value)  Show and change the config of the server
!diagnose              Check for problems (e.g. missing permissions)
!fake (page)           Help find users trying to cheat.
!info @user            Show info about a specific member
!botInfo             Show info about the bot
!feedback <message>  Give feedback about the bot to the developers
!members             Show member count of current server.
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!ygether to getting started
Setup / Getting started

Simply invite the InvitePlus to your server and grant the necessary permissions. Only 2 permissions are required:

MANAGE_GUILD: The MANAGE_GUILD or "Manage Server" permission is required to fetch the invite codes and counts of all users. MANAGE_ROLES: This permission is required to assign roles to people when they reach a certain rank.

Also make sure that the bot has write access to any channel where he needs to reply and check if link embeds are enabled for the best experience.

Once the bot is working, you can customize its setting. For more info do !help config or check the FAQ section below.


This is a list of frequently asked questions.

How do I change the prefix of the bot?

You can do !config prefix - to change the prefix. If you don't know your current prefix, you can do @InvitePlus prefix to see the prefix.

How do I set join and leave messages?

Set the channel by doing !config joinMessageChannel #channel or !config leaveMessageChannel #channel. After doing that, new joins and leaves will be posted to that channel.

Can I customize the join and leave messages?

Absolutely! You can change the message by doing for example !config joinMessage {memberMention} **joined**; Invited by **{inviterName}** (**{numInvites}** invites) or !config leaveMessage {memberName} **left**; Invited by **{inviterName}**. The following placeholders are available:

What are "Ranks" and how can I use them?

Ranks are used to assign roles to people when they reach a certain amount of invites. For example. if you have a role called @Beginner and you want people who have 5 or more invites to be added to that role, you would have to create a rank for that like so: !add-rank @Beginner 5 (and if you want a description here). As soon as someone has 5 invites, he will automatically be added to that role!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Members+ Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Members+ to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Members+ Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ! or @InvitePlus
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: masterclass#0212
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