- Moderation Commands
- +ban | Bans a user Mentioned
- +kick | Kicks a User Mentioned
- +mute | Mutes a User Mentioned
- +unmute | Unmutes the User Mentioned
- +purge | Purges 1-5000 Messages
- Other Commands
- +serverinfo | Shows the Server Info
- +userinfo | Shows your User Info
- +g-invites | Shows how many people were invited to your Discord Server
- +avatar | Shows your Avatar
- +ping | Shows the Discord Bot Latency
- +vouch | Vouches the person Mentioned
- +afk | Makes you AFK.
- +say | Says whatever you want it to say.
- Fun Commands
- +howgay | Checks How gay you are
- +8ball | Ask a Question, and it will answer to you.
- +deadchat | Shows a Image of Dead Chat
- +rip | Shows a Image of RIP
- +yomama | Sends you a Yo Mama Joke
- +dadjoke | Sends you a Dad Joke
- +flip | Flips a Coin (Heads or Tails)
- +cat | Random Cat Photo
- +dogs | Sends a random Dog Photo
- +puppy | Sends a Cute Puppy Photo
- +memes | Sends a random meme
There are More commands being added.