Nucleus Discord Bot Logo

Nucleus Discord Bot

Invite Nucleus Bot to your server and use its Moderation commands to keep your Discord safe and clean. Get the Nucleus Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

Nucleus Discord Bot Described:

RSM by Clicks - Moderation made simple

RSM by Clicks
Moderation made simple

[@] = Mention | [T] = Text | [N] = Number | [R] = Role | [C] = Channel | [ ?] = Optional


m!info [T?] - Shows all commands and info. Give [T] for mobile.
m!settings - Shows your servers log settings.
m!user [@?] - Shows information about a user.
m!contact [T ] - Sends [T] to the staff team for support.
m!suggest [T ] - Sends [T] to the staff team to review suggestions, and get sent out for voting in the support server.
m!setlog [C ] - Sets your servers log channel to [C].
m!ping - Checks the bots ping time.
m!ignore [@RC?] - Stops logging all [@] mentions, [R] roles, and [C] channels you list. Provide none to log everywhere.
m!punish [@?] - Punishes a user - gives you a UI of what punishment to give.
m!server - Shows information about a server.
m!role [R ] - Shows you information about a role.
m!role [@ ] - Lets you edit [@]'s roles.
m!viewas [@ ] - Shows the server as a [@] would - Lists channels and categories they can see.


m!warn [@?] [T?] - Warns [@] with the reason [T].
m!clear [@?] [N?] - Clears [N] messages sent by [@].
m!kick [@?] [T?] - Kicks [@] with reason [T].
m!softban [@?] [T?] - Softbans [@] with reason [T].
m!ban [@?] [T?] - Bans [@] with reason [T].
m!purge [N?] - Clears [N] messages from the channel.


m!slowmode [N?] - Sets the channel slowmode to [N]. Toggles slowmode if [N] is not provided.
m!lock [T?] - Locks the channel - all roles without manage_messages will lose the send_messages permission. do m!lock off to disable.
m!unlock - Same as doing m!lock off
m!raid [T?] - Puts your server into lockdown. All roles lose the send_messages permission if they do not have manage_messages. A new channel is created to store your current role permissions in the event of a bug. do m!raid off to end a raid.

(Trello)[] | (Invite)[] | (Support)[]

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Nucleus Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Nucleus to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Nucleus Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: m!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: PineappleFan#9955