s1mplicity is a very easy to use discord bot with a web dashboard
This discord bot fits in well with 99% of servers
Here are the commands to the bot with more been added
Administration - (18)
addcommand, addemote, automod, autorole, backup, configuration, delcommand, deletemod, goodbye, ignore, setfortniteshop, setlang, setmodlogs, setprefix, setreports, setsuggests, slowmode, welcome
Economy - (15)
achievements, birthdate, deposit, divorce, leaderboard, money, pay, profile, rep, rob, setbio, slots, wedding, withdraw, work
Fun - (10)
8ball, ascii, findwords, flip, fml, joke, lmg, lovecalc, number, random
General - (24)
calc, fortnite, fortniteshop, hastebin, help, invitations, invite, minecraft, partners, psw, permissions, ping, quote, remindme, report, serverinfo, setafk, shorturl, someone, staff, stats, suggest, translate, userinfo
Images - (17)
avatar, captcha, clyde, facepalm, fire, jail, love, mission, phcomment, qrcode, rip, scary, tobecontinued, triggered, tweet, wanted, wasted
Moderation - (15)
announcement, ban, checkinvites, clear-sanctions, clear, giveaway, kick, mention-role, mute, poll, sanctions, setwarns, unban, unmute, warn
Music - (8)
lyrics, np, pause, play, queue, resume, skip, stop
Networking - (4)
geoip, pagelinks, portscan
s1mplicity is also customisable with changeable prefix, setmodlogs, autorole and much more
if you wish to have more info on the bot or try it join our discord here.