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A very easy to use discord bot made in discord.js

s1mplicity is a very easy to use discord bot with a web dashboard

This discord bot fits in well with 99% of servers

Here are the commands to the bot with more been added

Administration - (18)
addcommand, addemote, automod, autorole, backup, configuration, delcommand, deletemod, goodbye, ignore, setfortniteshop, setlang, setmodlogs, setprefix, setreports, setsuggests, slowmode, welcome

Economy - (15)
achievements, birthdate, deposit, divorce, leaderboard, money, pay, profile, rep, rob, setbio, slots, wedding, withdraw, work

Fun - (10)
8ball, ascii, findwords, flip, fml, joke, lmg, lovecalc, number, random

General - (24)
calc, fortnite, fortniteshop, hastebin, help, invitations, invite, minecraft, partners, psw, permissions, ping, quote, remindme, report, serverinfo, setafk, shorturl, someone, staff, stats, suggest, translate, userinfo

Images - (17)
avatar, captcha, clyde, facepalm, fire, jail, love, mission, phcomment, qrcode, rip, scary, tobecontinued, triggered, tweet, wanted, wasted

Moderation - (15)
announcement, ban, checkinvites, clear-sanctions, clear, giveaway, kick, mention-role, mute, poll, sanctions, setwarns, unban, unmute, warn

Music - (8)
lyrics, np, pause, play, queue, resume, skip, stop

Networking - (4)
geoip, pagelinks, portscan

s1mplicity is also customisable with changeable prefix, setmodlogs, autorole and much more

if you wish to have more info on the bot or try it join our discord here.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.